
Watching Stuff With Our Brains Turned On

Category: Commentary

  • New slew of remakes and sequels

    Anyone who’s been paying attention to things showing up in the movies or on their television over the last few years has probably noticed that everything old is new again–either through a re-make (or re-boot, or re-visioning) or through a sequel. Well, it looks like the coming film and television season won’t change that much.…

  • Celebrity Circus

    Tonight, NBC premiers it’s new “reality” show, Celebrity Circus. I, of course, won’t be watching it. (I’ll be watching a much more worthwhile “reality” show, Ghosthunters.) Here’s the thing about what I’ve seen of this show just from the previews–I’ve already seen a better version of this a decade or three ago. It was called…

  • Beauty and the Geek: Gone Too Far

    Since it first aired, I’ve been a fan of Beauty and the Geek. I thought the concept was fantastic and the execution infinitely better than most “reality” shows. The contestants grew and learned. The show wasn’t as much about competition as it was about becoming a better person–the prize money was just an extra added…

  • Aaaand We’re Back!

    Good news for everyone: The Writer’s Strike is Over! Everyone gets to go back to work tomorrow and, if all goes well with the ratification of the contract (which I’d imagine it will), those of us sitting in front of out TVs can expect to see new episodes of old shows by April. This has…

  • If you haven’t been watching Heroes…

    If you haven’t been watching Heroes, you’re missing out. Yes, this season isn’t quite as tight as the first season was. There’s no “Save the Cheerleader, Save the World” type catch phrase (a failure on the part of the marketing department, in my opinion). But there has been a “Who am I?” theme running through…

  • Writer’s Strike

    On Monday, the members of the Writer’s Guild of America went on strike. This has thrown the entire industry into a wee bit of chaos. Late night talkshows have already started running repeats. Many sitcoms only have a few episodes before they’re out of fresh stuff. Most hour long shows will be able to last…

  • Get outta my car

    According to an article in Variety, there is serious talk of bringing back Knight Rider. Now, Knight Rider was one of my favorite shows in the 80s. Since I got my driver’s license, it’s held even more appeal because, hey, who wouldn’t like to have a car that could drive itself–let alone one that is…

  • Beauty and the Geek – Season 4

    The new season of Beauty and the Geek has hit the CW. Anyone who knows me, knows that this is one of the few reality shows that I actually think is worth watching. It’s one of the few that doesn’t encourage every-man-for-himself backstabbing. The show is actually about personal development and learning about others. You…

  • Heroes of Futures Past

    This week’s episode of Heroes took us five years into the future of the show we’ve been watching all season. As has always been the case with the show, it was done with style and punch. For those that are familiar with the super hero genre, though, none of what we saw was particularly new.…

  • Speed Demons

    I’ve been a bit remiss on commenting on recent TV. And with the networks being as quick on the trigger as they are, I totally miss out on the chance to recommend things before they’re bounced all over the schedule and/or pulled completely. Case in point: Drive. The two-hour premiere left me feeling distinctly “eh”…