
Watching Stuff With Our Brains Turned On

Review and Coming Attractions

New monthly bit here. Just a quick note catching up and looking ahead. A kind of regular check and balance to make sure things are moving in some direction that vaguely resembles “forward.”

In Review

Things have been kind of quiet here. Many other concerns have kept me from getting to the backlog of reviews and previews that have been piling up in my “drafts” box. But I have been diligent enough to let you in on a few nice things like the solid online scifi actioner Trenches. And I have been watching bunches of shows and movies, just not making the time to write about them.

Coming Attractions

It’s Oscar Time! Unfortunately, I haven’t seen most of the movies up for awards. So don’t expect a whole lot of current Oscar talk here. But don’t expect to not see anything at all, either–there’s an interesting Best Picture race this year and I may end up quite satisfied or disdainfully perplexed at the winner. That will be shared with you.

As I said, I’ve also got a huge backlog of half-finished reviews. We’ve burned through half of the current TV season already and I haven’t talked a lot about what I’m loving, what I’m hating, and what I’m not bothering with. Expect some of that.

Also, a movie by some people I know is premiering at the DC Independent Film Festival. I’ll be there to see it with the rest of the public and you’ll definitely get a write up on that–good or bad. (I’m expecting good from this crew.)

I’m also planning on getting you in touch with some more excellent online entertainment (along the lines of Trenches). If you have a show that you know of (or produce) and want me to check it out, let me know.

So, yeah, lots of reviews in the near future–some going back to last season. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy ’em. If not, there’s always reruns you could be watching, I’m sure.






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